
A Comprehensive Look at U.S. Residuals Markets

In southern pine sawmills, there are five key, high-level metrics that are typically measured as overall drivers of success profitability. What makes these mills unique, and how can they use these five metrics to drive profit- ability? The Beck Group's Sawmill TQ product is helping sawmills across the country better understand their positions in a rapidly changing, highly competitive global market.

Are Residuals Markets in the U.S. Healthy?

A new study conducted by Forest2Market and commissioned by Resources for the Future (RFF), the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (Endowment) and the National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA) examines hardwood and softwood residuals markets in the U.S. South and the softwood residuals market in the Pacific Northwest. The purpose of the study is to identify the ways that these markets have changed since 2004, and whether those changes have been fundamental, structural changes or temporary, short-term changes.

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